'Tetris' Movie Planned as an Epic Sci-Fi Adventure

Get your thumbs ready: Tetris is finally heading to the big screen sometime in the near future! Threshold Entertainment has teamed-up with the Tetris Company to develop an adaptation of the popular 80s video game.
No cast members or director have been set yet for Tetris, which will be a live-action take on the puzzle game. A story is in place, though it is unclear if a screenplay has been completed. Threshold CEO Larry Kasanoff describes the impending feature film:
"It's a very big, epic sci-fi movie. This isn't a movie with a bunch of lines running around the page. We're not giving feet to the geometric shapes. What you [will] see in Tetris is the teeny tip of an iceberg that has intergalactic significance."
Larry Kasanoff is best known for adapting the popular video game series Mortal Kombat for the big screen, starting with 1995's Mortal Kombat starring Christopher Lambert, which grossed $70 at the box office. It was followed by the 1997 sequelMortal Kombat: Annihilation, which brought back most of the supporting cast. It only earned $35 million.
Larry Kasanoff hopes to build off of Tetris' brand notoriety and legacy in bringing it to the screen. He states:
"Brands are the new stars of Hollywood. We have a story behind Tetriswhich makes it a much more imaginative thing."
If the movie does well, the hope is to spin the franchise off into other media, which has not yet been revealed. About that, he does say:
We certainly have the canvas for location-based entertainment based on the epicness."
Threshold has mostly worked in animation, tackling large digital projects for Marvel, Lego, and Star Wars.
Tetris, designed by Soviet game-designer Alexey Pajitnov, made its debut in arcades around the world in 1984 before becoming a worldwide phenomenon.
Tetris comes to theaters in 2016.
by B. Alan Orange, MovieWeb